The Donut Kid Bouquet
The Donut Kid Donut Bouquet available July 1, 2023 until September 30, 2023.
Marlin Chan and Mayly Tao are both Cambodian American creators who are choosing to collab because of their heritage and desire to spread the awareness of their culture through food.
Marlin recently launched Yay’s Snacks ( which is a crispy, flavorful family recipe of beef jerky from her grandma. (Yay in Khmer means grandma).
We decided to add these crispy beef jerky toppings on top of a blue chocolate to create our own take on the “Maple Bacon Donut” and instead create a Cambodian American “White Chocolate Jerky Donut Bouquet.”
Proceeds of this donut bouquet will be allocated to a good cause to UCC, the United Cambodian Community of Long Beach, a local organization in one of the largest populations of Cambodians in the United States.
You can read more about UCC’s mission here: